Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Melissa's Plans

Since I'm blogless for this challenge, I thought I'd put my plans up here...

I think -- for right now -- we'll do Level 1, for right now, and maybe I'll even expand to Level 2.

Two new places we'll -- meaning me, my four girls, and possibly my husband -- experience are Rock River Rapids, in Derby, KS and the Great Plains Nature Center here in Wichita. We're also planning on visiting the zoo, but since we've been there before, I'm not going to count it. We also might go to the Native American museum, but since they just opened, there's no link to it.

We'll also do something in Denver when we get there (any suggestions?), but I'm not sure what it is. And we're planning on climbing Casper Mountain with my aunt and uncle when we visit them in Casper, Wyoming.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

That waterslide place looks SO FUN!!! My kids would love that. I'm interested in your nature center too - I really enjoy taking me kids to places like that :)